Page Views: 4,357
Last Visit to Vietnam: November, 1965


by bdbrewer - last update: Sep 11, 2002


I was invited to this country at the request of the government of South Vietnam.

While 'In Country' my daughter was born. It took the Red Cross 8 days to locate me to tell me she was born. She was six months old before I got to see her. Since I only had one child, that was tough!

A college intern from my office just returned from Vietnam. She enjoyed her visit and thought it was a beautiful country.

A sadness in many veteran's heart is the lack of recognition for what they sacrificed there. I have been given a personal thank you and a hand shake exactly twice. Both times were very recently. A young military man stuck out his hand and told me he wanted to personally thank me for what I did. I was momentarily taken back by his sudden and abrupt act. The other occasion was a lady who happens to be involved in organizing Veterans Day parades. Other than that, nada, zilch ...

(Editor's Note: Since I wrote this last statement, positive comments poured in from VTers. I have thanked each of you personally as they have occurred. I thank you all collectively for this heartfelf reminder that honor still exists in our world. Unfortunately, the majority of positive comments still come from people other than Americans - go figure :)

If you have liked this page, but expected to see more in the way of atrocities, you may want to visit my external page on Vietnam and a link there on My Lai.

One last comment was encouraged by VTer Ian Konig from England for more balance. That sounded fair to me even though I do not ascribe to his political beliefs. I am of the opinion (after the fact) that my country needlessly devastated Vietnam as a result of poor and even corrupt decisions made by our politiicans in Washington D.C. The war should have been prosecuted with more immediacy and precision (similar to Gulf War). This would have prevented the protracted situation with prolonged distuption that ensued. I emphatically do NOT regret supporting my fellow men in combat as a result of having been forced to go there, I want that last sentence to be read with perfect clarity and understanding!

Pros:"A Beautiful Country With Beautiful People"
Cons:"Politicians Made My Role there Dishonest"
In A Nutshell:"A Beautiful and Serene Country that USA will enbrace and encourage their progress on the World's stage
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